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Our Equipment for Sale
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DUKE Diagnostic Resale
Your Source for Pre-owned Radiology Equipment:
Our sales people are finding new pieces of equipment every day.
If you are looking for equipment that is not listed on our website it could be in our company inventory and not posted. Please call us with any of your equipment needs.
Our current list of in house inventory includes:
2011 Hologic Selenia Digital Mammography Unit
2008 GE Brightspeed 16 CT Scanner
2007 Toshiba Aquillion 32 Slice CT Scanner
2004 Siemens Symphony Maestro MRI
2000 OEC 9800 Vascular C-Arm
GE AMX 4 Plus Portable X-Ray Units
Contact us for more specific information including pricing:
257 Cold Spring Road, Syosset, NY 11791 516-496-3503
e-mail: dukediag@optonline.net