About Us
Our Equipment for Sale
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DUKE Diagnostic Resale
Your Source for Pre-owned Radiology Equipment:
DUKE Diagnostic Resale has been in business for over twenty five years because of our honesty and reliability.
Lisa DeVito began our business relying on Hospitals and Imaging Centers for equipment. Now they rely on us for professionalism and dependability.
We have many facilities who will only deal with
DUKE Diagnostic Resale, because they may have been hurt in the past by other equipment dealers. They call us because they know they can rely on
DUKE Diagnostic Resale. Our engineers are highly experienced and insured and we take care of all costs related to removal and shipping.
Payment is always made in full prior to removal.
When dealing with international markets, we understand the concerns of purchasing pre-owned equipment. All equipment purchased through
DUKE Diagnostic Resale can be inspected prior to payment for your security and peace of mind.
We have dealt with thousands of Facilities in the Purchase and Sale of equipment and we can always provide references.
257 Col
g Road, Syosset, NY 11
791 516-496-3503
e-mail: info@dukediagnostic.com